🚀👉Check out Neuromind, our new neurofeedback solution based on emotional measurement
🚀👉Check out Neuromind, our new neurofeedback solution based on emotional measurement
🚀👉Check out Neuromind, our new neurofeedback solution based on emotional measurement

Maëva d'Healthy Mind

La réalité virtuelle aident les patients en chimiothérapie à apaiser l'anxiété et les douleurs.

Chemotherapy treatment: how to cope?

Every day, nearly 1,200 cases of cancer are detected, according to the French National Cancer Institute. Although cancer has been described since ancient times, for a long time the disease was incurable. Despite contemporary medical advances and the remission of many cases, the word retains a powerful symbolic charge and remains associated with gloomy prospects. […]

Chemotherapy treatment: how to cope? Read More »

5 avantages à utiliser les immersions en réalité virtuelle dans le secteur dentaire.

Virtual reality in dentistry: 5 benefits to discover

Therapeutic virtual reality has revolutionised many fields, and dentistry is no exception. With its non-medicinal approach, this practical solution, which has no side-effects, is turning dentist’s surgery and hospital consultations on their head. So what are the benefits of virtual reality in dentistry? Let’s discover 5 strong points that will make you want to try

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How does virtual reality reduce pain?

According to Inserm (National Institute of Health and Medical Research), pain is the cause of almost 2/3 of all medical consultations. Because of its omnipresence, this unpleasant sensory and emotional experience is the subject of numerous studies aimed at thwarting its mechanisms. Among non-pharmacological treatments, therapeutic virtual reality offers an effective response to pain management.

How does virtual reality reduce pain? Read More »

Coaching and virtual reality: an encounter with Agissons Ensemble

Today, we are going to meet a personal and professional development coaching firm specialising in change strategies, Agissons Ensemble. Why have they integrated Healthy Mind’s therapeutic virtual reality headsets into their sessions? What benefits do they see from using them and how do their clients respond? To find out, we discussed these topics with Nancy

Coaching and virtual reality: an encounter with Agissons Ensemble Read More »

4 good reasons for associating virtual reality with cosmetic surgery.

Why use virtual reality in plastic surgery?

In 2015, 1 million French people said they had already had plastic surgery, while 40% of the population is considering an operation in the near future (survey conducted by Opinionway for the Clinique of Champs-Élysées). Medical procedures in plastic surgery include a variety of operations ranging from breast reconstruction to hair implants, as well as

Why use virtual reality in plastic surgery? Read More »

La réalité virtuelle propose une solution efficace et pratique pour encourager le don du sang en France.

Blood donation and virtual reality: an unexpected duo

“In 1 hour, I saved 3 lives” is the slogan of the French Blood Establishment (EFS) to encourage national mobilization. Although the donation process is undoubtedly commendable, a large number of people still do not go to the blood collection points. However, this approach remains essential to ensure self-sufficiency in blood products in France, whether

Blood donation and virtual reality: an unexpected duo Read More »

La réalité virtuelle : une méthode thérapeutique pour réduire la douleur et l'anxiété des patients dans le service des urgences.

How to relieve pain in the emergency department?

Pain management has become a public health priority. To this end, various national recommendations and laws have been passed to improve the quality of care. With 70% of patients concerned, acute pain is the main reason for consultation in France. In emergency medicine, this reality is well known as it represents more than half of

How to relieve pain in the emergency department? Read More »

Les casques de réalité virtuelle permettent aux patients de mieux vivre la période postopératoire, notamment en salle de réveil.

Recovery room: better management of anxiety and pain

Relying on the benefits of therapeutic virtual reality in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU)   According to the French Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (Sfar), more than 13 million anaesthesias are performed each year in France. Despite the frequency of this medical procedure, anaesthesia is often accompanied by anxiety and fear. After an operation,

Recovery room: better management of anxiety and pain Read More »

Virtual reality in paediatrics: the solution to soothe children

A child’s hospitalisation is accompanied by stress for the patient, as well as for the parents. The fear of the unknown is added to the fear of being in pain, of being separated from their loved ones or of having postoperative discomforts from the operation. However, this natural anxiety is not to be taken lightly,

Virtual reality in paediatrics: the solution to soothe children Read More »