Check out our latest customer video, showcasing the use of our medical device during medical procedures at Medway NHS Foundation Trust

   Check out our appearance on the BBC, showcasing the use of our medical device at Worcestershire Royal Hospital

Check out our appearance on the BBC, showcasing the use of our medical device at Worcestershire Royal Hospital

Maëva d'Healthy Mind

Les Digital Therapeutics (DTx) ouvrent une nouvelle ère qui combine la santé et le numérique.

Digital Therapeutics (DTx): when therapy goes digital

From 2 billion in 2019, Juniper Research has estimated the market for digital therapies at 32 billion in 2024. The advent of Digital Therapeutics (DTx) marks a revolution in the medical field, where innovative digital solutions now complement traditional treatments. These 2.0 therapies, based on solid scientific evidence and validated by clinical trials, bring a […]

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Healthy Mind a participé à l'édition 2023 du festival international de l'innovation santé à Londres, le Giant Health.

Giant Health 2023: international festival of health innovation

A moment to discuss the future   On December 4th and 5th 2023, Healthy Mind took part in a significant event for the health sector: the Giant Health festival. During this London-based gathering, the international community came together with the common goal of improving health and promoting innovation. Over two rich and inspiring days, the

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Quelle place pour les technologies numériques et mobiles dans la récupération postopératoire des chirurgies non urgentes ?

Elective surgery: where does digital technology fit in?

Scientific study: supporting behavioral change in patient undergoing elective surgery with digital and mobile technologies   Today, connected devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, with innovative digital technologies gradually infiltrating various fields, including healthcare. While artificial intelligence has already proven its worth in medical learning and diagnosis, new applications are emerging

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La réalité virtuelle thérapeutique offre un nouvelle vision des soins esthétiques pour décupler le bien-être des patients.

Virtual reality in aesthetic practices: make way for relaxation!

Boost your patients’ well-being with an immersive tool   Stress has become the disease of the century. According to a study by Ifop (the French Institute of Public Opinion), 95% of French people feel anxiety. Between professional worries, personal upheavals and uncertain current events, anxiousness has become a daily companion. Even if we know the

Virtual reality in aesthetic practices: make way for relaxation! Read More »

L'hypnose thérapeutique s'appuie sur un état de conscience modifié pour apporter confort et bien-être aux patients.

How does therapeutic hypnosis work?

Used for treatment in Western societies for at least 200 years, hypnosis didn’t wait for the 21st century to shine. For a long time, popular culture relegated the practice to the realm of entertainment, but its therapeutic value is once again attracting attention. Numerous studies now confirm the effectiveness of this non-medicinal technique in combating

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La réalité virtuelle dans les établissements SSR apporte confort et bien-être aux patients.

Follow-up and Rehabilitation Care: the benefits of virtual reality

Immersions at the service of rehabilitation   During a period of convalescence, follow-up and rehabilitation care (FRC) becomes the link between home and hospital. In this medical environment dedicated to rehabilitation, virtual reality (VR) offers an innovative way forward. In the quest for recovery, this immersive technology proposes to improve the quality of life of

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La réalité virtuelle aident les patients en chimiothérapie à apaiser l'anxiété et les douleurs.

Chemotherapy treatment: how to cope?

Every day, nearly 1,200 cases of cancer are detected, according to the French National Cancer Institute. Although cancer has been described since ancient times, for a long time the disease was incurable. Despite contemporary medical advances and the remission of many cases, the word retains a powerful symbolic charge and remains associated with gloomy prospects.

Chemotherapy treatment: how to cope? Read More »

5 avantages à utiliser les immersions en réalité virtuelle dans le secteur dentaire.

Virtual reality in dentistry: 5 benefits to discover

Therapeutic virtual reality has revolutionised many fields, and dentistry is no exception. With its non-medicinal approach, this practical solution, which has no side-effects, is turning dentist’s surgery and hospital consultations on their head. So what are the benefits of virtual reality in dentistry? Let’s discover 5 strong points that will make you want to try

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How does virtual reality reduce pain?

According to Inserm (National Institute of Health and Medical Research), pain is the cause of almost 2/3 of all medical consultations. Because of its omnipresence, this unpleasant sensory and emotional experience is the subject of numerous studies aimed at thwarting its mechanisms. Among non-pharmacological treatments, therapeutic virtual reality offers an effective response to pain management.

How does virtual reality reduce pain? Read More »

Coaching and virtual reality: an encounter with Agissons Ensemble

Today, we are going to meet a personal and professional development coaching firm specialising in change strategies, Agissons Ensemble. Why have they integrated Healthy Mind’s therapeutic virtual reality headsets into their sessions? What benefits do they see from using them and how do their clients respond? To find out, we discussed these topics with Nancy

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