Virtual reality hypnosis: the secret to a successful IVF egg retrieval?
In France, one in 32 births was due to a medically assisted reproduction procedure in 2015. Research continues to promote the implantation of embryos and
In France, one in 32 births was due to a medically assisted reproduction procedure in 2015. Research continues to promote the implantation of embryos and
Pain is often experienced as a fatality. Omnipresent in consultations, it is said to be the cause of ⅔ of medical visits. Although it is
On a daily basis, anxiety contributes to a decreased quality of life for palliative care patients. Depending on its duration and intensity, the treatments considered
Following surgery, the patient is required to go to the post-operative monitoring room (PMSI). Placed in this rest room under the supervision of a nursing
Also known as the “Nadal Method”, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections are now very successful… And more particularly with high level athletes. Having been canceled
Operated under loco-regional anesthesia (LRA), a patient is totally conscious during the surgical procedure. The main advantage is the reduction of the risks and inconveniences
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