Check out our latest customer video, showcasing the use of our medical device during medical procedures at Medway NHS Foundation Trust

   Check out our appearance on the BBC, showcasing the use of our medical device at Worcestershire Royal Hospital

Check out our appearance on the BBC, showcasing the use of our medical device at Worcestershire Royal Hospital

December 2020

realite virtuelle injections prp

When virtual reality makes PRP injections easier

Also known as the “Nadal Method”, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections are now very successful… And more particularly with high level athletes. Having been canceled from the “List of Prohibited Substances and Methods” in 2010 by the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), the success of this treatment has been highly publicized since then. But if these […]

When virtual reality makes PRP injections easier Read More »

Diminuer les symtômes de la réalité virtuelle : c'est possible en agissant sur l'environnement proposé, la durée et la fréquence des immersions.

Virtual reality to relax a patient before an operation

“A new tool to relax patients before an operation”… Healthy Mind’s virtual headsets now cross borders and satisfy patients in neighbouring countries. At the CHU-UCL of Namur in Belgium, Healthy Mind’s therapeutic virtual reality takes place in the Pre-Operative Reception Unit. What is exactly this pre-operative service, and how have patients welcomed Healthy Mind’s virtual

Virtual reality to relax a patient before an operation Read More »

Use of a virtual reality headset to give preference to locoregional anaesthesia for knee replacement surgery

Locoregional anesthesia, soon associated with virtual reality ?

Operated under loco-regional anesthesia (LRA), a patient is totally conscious during the surgical procedure. The main advantage is the reduction of the risks and inconveniences associated with general anesthesia, such as nausea, allergic reactions, or post-operative recovery difficulties. What is the disadvantage? The patient can be afraid about seeing and hearing everything in the operating

Locoregional anesthesia, soon associated with virtual reality ? Read More »

relaxation soignants casques realité virtuelle

Virtual reality to relax health care staff

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 health crisis, healthcare professionals have been under considerable daily pressure. Material and human insufficiency, management of the patients influx, intensive care saturation… How to relax between two interventions, in such a stressful environment? Virtual reality could relax health care staff! Indeed, virtual reality headsets would be a relaxing break

Virtual reality to relax health care staff Read More »

Combining cardiac coherence with virtual reality is an effective way to relax.

Therapeutic virtual reality in 3 key points

Today, virtual reality goes beyond video games to the medical sphere… That is enormously advantageous for hospitalized patients. Effective to relax or anesthetize, virtual reality is also able to care. Today, it is used to treat phobias, addictions, and other anxiety or behavioral disorders. Placed in a therapeutic aim, should we talk about therapeutic virtual

Therapeutic virtual reality in 3 key points Read More »